So what should you actually write in your social media captions?

Well, there’s HEAPS of things. But you’re still sitting there staring blankly at a blinking cursor … am I right?

Well … writing a description of the photo your followers are already looking at isn’t necessary. A “caption obvious” as I like to call them isn’t particularly inspiring. But telling stories … now THAT’S what people want to read!

Storytelling is one of the most effective ways of communicating with your clients online.

It’s engaging, interesting, entertaining, informative and helps future clients get to know you better.

Stories help us to make sense of what we are being told and put things into context.

From a future client perspective, it helps them to gain a better understanding of what a photo experience with you might be like.

Do stories need to be long?

Nope. But they can be. It’s up to you really.Is there a good way to write a story online? Well yes, but that’s a lesson for another day.

For now, just know that telling regular anecdotes about you, your business and your clients will make your social media content so much more interesting to consume. It will help you become more memorable and more likely to appeal to future clients. And all of these equals … more bookings!

Here’s 15 super simple storytelling prompts to get you started.

My Caption Creator system has thousands of storytelling ideas, copy + paste captions and ways to make your writing personal. Here’s the info about that if you’d like to know more ->

Kate Higgins
Author: Kate Higgins
