Membership & Course Reviews

We could tell you all day how fun and awesome our courses and products are, but you’re probably here because you want to hear it from someone that isn’t us (fair enough!). Well, here’s what they said …

Best course ever! I used to just post my sneak peeks at any time of the day and on any day. Sometimes I would go days without posting anything and other days I would post 3 times. This course has taught me about what to post, when to do it, what to say to get more engagement and also what all of the different functions in Instagram are for. There is so much more to it than just posting cute babies every day. I highly recommend this course to any photographer whether you are new or have been photographing babies for years. The amount of information that you get is simply priceless. And it’s so much fun!

Lyndall Katsoulis Photography, Mornington Peninsula VIC

My social media has done a complete 180 since the Socially Set course. I’m now no longer struggling with what to write and then putting off posting. I actually feel like I’m in control of my social media instead of struggling to stay afloat and posting randomly just for the sake of it. My feed looks so much better and posting is no longer a hassle.

Chontelle Perrin Photography, Young NSW

Socially Set has helped me so much! I was so unsure of where to even start to improve my almost non-existent presence on Instagram, so I was just avoiding it all together. I was starting to look for someone to help me out, then Socially Set popped up, and I knew it was right for me. I needed to learn how to do this for myself, not just have someone else do it for me for a while, then still have no idea how to do it for myself. I was afraid that I would do things wrong, look silly to others, or just get no engagement at all. Kate and the rest of the members really gave me the confidence just to have a go and have some fun with it. A bit of validation, I guess.

I was so confused by the technology of how to post things, what to post, and when to post it. Kate helped me with all of these, and so much more! After not working very much for a while, I have had a definite increase in my enquiries since working on my social media. I enjoyed and learnt something new in every module, and really felt a part of an awesome community while I was doing it.

Renae Lowe Photography, Mount Gambier SA

I can’t put in words how helpful this course has been for me. I’m very new to the industry and I had absolutely no idea how to use social media to my advantage or how to use it, full stop.

I started working with several different people in the last year, to help me along and although every one was very qualified, it wasn’t working and I still wasn’t able to grasp the concept or techno aspect correctly. There is just so much to it and I needed to understand this step by step. Then I came across Kate’s course. I had just payed a large amount of money to another person and I was very hesitant to invest again. But how could I ever doubt? This is it!!

Starting at the very bottom and explaining model by model in a very detailed and comprehensive manner how it’s done, is Kate’s skill.  The course is so well structured and on top of it, Kate is so amusing, entertaining in her manner to teach. She will go beyond and above to help and answer questions that come up. If you are in this industry and need help with your social media, look no further.

Captured by Kathleen, Sydney NSW

Socially Set has completely changed the way I think about Social Media. I saw Social Media as hard work and something I did because I had to. Now I have a plan, I understand why I’m doing this and my business has never looked better. I found that each module took me through another adventure into the SM world and allowed me to explore each topic in my own time which suited me perfectly.

The feedback from Kate and Chris was honest, helpful and genuinely made a difference in my business and my Social Media. I now have a clear path forward and I can see the benefits already in my analytics.  This course has been a saviour for me and now I’m not stressed about what to write, when to write & what to post. Absolute game changer! Thank you Kate!

Tracy Jilbert Photography, Warragul VIC

This course has absolutely blown me away.

I didn’t realise that I wasn’t using social media the way I needed to in order to attract clients. I was blindly posting, trying to find the words, and not using it to its full potential. This course has completely changed the way I use social media. I attract clients rather than have to seek them out and have gone from struggling at the end of the pandemic and non-existent on social media to a fully booked calendar, engaging and fun posts on socials and so excited for the coming year.

This course has been an enormous boost for me – confidence and self-esteem, marketing, and for setting some achievable goals at a time when I was really struggling and had almost decided to throw in the towel.  Kate’s course has all the tools and guidance you need to successfully market yourself, (your true self!), to your ideal clients.

Jess Lee Photography, Canberra ACT

This has by far been the biggest and best investment in my business. Results are evident early on and the tools provided allow you to get a grip on your socials and better connecting with further clients. It has been so great working with other Aussie Photographers as we navigate everything together. It’s wonderful having others to voice ideas off and just create a really warm environment.

Missed Moments Photography, Gold Coast QLD

Honestly, this has been such a game changer for me and my social media presence.

For a long time I have really lagged behind and have found the whole process totally overwhelming. When I saw this course become available, I knew I had to do it! Kate has supported me every step of the way and her calming, supportive and very creative nature really makes it super easy to follow and there is so much amazing content to learn from.

I have so enjoyed this experience and am sad it is coming to an end! It really has transformed the way I plan my social media content and I feel so much more confident after finishing the social set course. Thank you so much Kate x

Kristy Jauncey Photography, Sydney NSW

What about our coaches?

These ones made us tear up a bit, we have to admit it! Thank you so much to our lovely members for these kind works.

Kate is the bomb! Such a great educator. It never felt like I was in a class but more like learning from a super smart best mate. Kate and the group are super supportive and a great little community to ask questions and share your wins that the course has given you.

Chontelle Perrin

I can’t imagine a better course coach than Kate. I found her so down to earth, fun and easy to listen to, and so helpful all the way through. Kate is just so relatable, says what is on her mind, and encourages you just to go for it. I never felt stupid asking questions, (well, I did feel a little stupid sometimes, but Kate never made me feel uncomfortable). Kate is also very knowledgeable and passionate about what she is teaching, and it really shows. Kate is not just all about Social Media, she has experience in the photography industry and understands the highlights and the struggles that we encounter.

Renae Lowe

Kate has an amazing way of connecting with people and she gave me the confidence to move forward with my business through my Social Media. Her style of teaching is personal, humorous and genuine and I love how down to earth she is. Chris was also amazing and incredibly helpful.

Tracy Jilbert

Thank you so much Kate. The information that you have given and the way that you deliver each module has been amazing! I was initially attracted to your course because of the caption creator (which is great!) but what I got was a whole lot more. Simply priceless! You can tell you have put your heart and soul into this and that you genuinely care about us succeeding in our small businesses with the changes we have made.

I love that you were a photographer so you know the industry like the back of your hand and can give us advice that is specifically for photographers and not just a generic social media course. It’s been such a lovely 10 weeks. I truly am going to miss the weekly chats and learning something new each week. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to up their social media game. It is simply the best!

Lyndall Katsoulis

Kate has been such a supportive coach. She has helped guide people of all levels of ability through the course and has been available for extra help or an extra push when needed.  Her content was doable from the get-go, with results as soon as you implemented her suggestions. The structure of the course was also really well planned and easily flowed from each module to the next. I loved our weekly catch-ups, Kate is such a positive force and will encourage you to throw your inhibitions to the wind and give your business (and yourself) the nurturing it deserves.

Thank you Kate. You’ve honestly saved my little business. x

Jess Lee

Oh Kate…. Where to begin! You are truly a valuable asset to any business. You have change my business, mindset and everyday life in ways you probably didn’t imagine. You make learning fun and bring all the goods and the insights (honestly, I need me my own Kate to run my side of the business ????) you took the time to help everyone and ensure that we all get the very best and most from your course. Best coach I’ve had in a long time ????????

Stephanie Pritchard

Kate is honestly one of the most genuine, supportive and creative people around! Her knowledge of the photography industry is absolutely incredible and her social media strategies are on trend.

I really have enjoyed watching, listening and learning from Kate. I feel like I know her, even though I don’t! I think that in itself speaks volumes. Thank you Kate, you’re a legend!

Kristy Jauncey