There is more to being a photographer than just taking great photos. Have a read through today’s Q&A feature and find out all about the talent behind the lens.


Niki Sprekos Photography

Malvern East Melbourne


How did you get started as a photographer?

I have always loved photography from a young age and like most newborn photographers my love to photography came back after I had my baby girl. Then one day a Gymbaroo class (baby development and activity class) the owner loved my images and asked me to take images for her website. From there all the mums wanted to book in sessions too and it grew and grew. At the start I photographed everything but after taking courses and studying newborn photography, I knew this is what I wanted to do full time.


What did life look like before photography?

Before photography I was in Human Resources and worked in Corporate Law Firms for 15 years. I left HR mid 2014 and have never looked back. Working in a top tier law firm for so long taught me so many things which I use in my business daily and very grateful for.


Tell us about a day in the life of a professional photographer …

We have styling and shoot preparation, lots of cleaning, shooting clients, cuddles from newborns, lots of laughs and conversations with clients, changing nappies, settling babies, posing babies, more cleaning, washing blankets, backing up images, editing, administration, technology stuff, website, webinars, blog writing, taking phone calls, paying bills, sending receipts, shopping, social media content, and everything else that comes with the job … I could go on and on …..


Do you have a special story to share?

I have so many beautiful client stories as they all have gorgeous back stories. Some have unfortunately had to deal with grief before coming to me. So I make sure that when they come in to photograph their rainbow babies we make it even more special and memorable. Sometimes client bring in sentimental items as well for me to photograph that have special meanings too.


If you could photograph 1 thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Newborns for sure. I love how every newborn is completely different to the next. Each one has their own personality, can move differently and families have their own story to tell too.


What is the best thing about your job?

There are so many things to love about what I do – I am honestly blessed, my girls are all grown up now but I still get to have lots of cuddles with newborns and babies!!!! I mean seriously how lucky am I!!! All the squishiness and cuteness a newborn brings with no night time crying and lack of sleep – totally winning.

I love being around people and bringing joy to them and my job does all that. Providing clients with beautiful products and images to cherish forever is honestly amazing. One thing I love about my job is the creative and artistic side. I love creating different images to clients and making them look spectacular in photoshop too.


Tell us something we don’t know about professional photography …

There’s a lot more than just picking up a camera and shooting. Being a professional photography is a business and with a business comes a lots of other aspects. There is finance, marketing, social media, client relationships, administration, actual shoot time, editing, website, technology etc. There are so many things that you need to juggle and to be able to do to run a successful business.
In addition being a mother, working from home and running your own business is not easy. There are so many things that need to be done as you can see above. It comes with long hours and lots of editing. Wearing many hats means I have to be flexible with working hours and can mean there are days I start working once the kids are asleep. So there are many perks to working your own hours but at the same time your day extends a longer working day.


If you weren’t a photographer, what would you be doing?

I can’t even think of that thought, there is nothing else I love doing more. I guess if I wasn’t shooting I would probably help others with the business side of things and consult other photographers.

I think regardless of what I was doing, I think there would always be a camera close by. So who knows maybe a travel photographer too!


Here’s a blank cheque! What are you going to spend it on for your business?

A property of course! Would love to by a whole house or business space and turn that into a studio. I would also have to add all the trimmings to add to it as well. I love working from home but to have more space and a larger area would be amazing. Ahhhhh the things I could do…….


If you could photograph someone famous, who would it be and why?

I would love to photograph Katy Perry and her baby. She would be so much fun to have the in the studio and would have so many great stories to tell too. I love her honesty and music of course.