“Thank you so much for your time, so many helpful tips! I have 3 pages of notes! ????????” – Emma 

“This was fantastic thanks Kate. It brought together lots of marketing advice I had heard before, but you presented it specifically for portrait photographers, which made all the difference to me. And I love your surveys!” – Jo

“Thank you so much Kate some amazing eye opening moments there.” – Belinda


Download the marketing workbook here
Marketing by

I don’t know what to post!

I have no idea what to say!

How often should I do it?

How do I become more memorable online?

What if I told you that you could create engaging and interesting content for your photography business social media in 5 easy steps? It’s easier than you think AND you get to do it in a way that suits you, your business and your brand voice. Cool huh!

Relieved? I bet.

There’s more to just posting your client photos on social media these days and hoping that your followers will interact with your images.

As for caption writing, well “Baby Mia : 7 days old. What a cutie.” isn’t quite going to cut through all of the noise either. Sorry about that!

Well, it’s easy when you know how!

I’ve posted over 3700 images and captions for professional photographers in the last 6 months alone. There’s very little I don’t know about creating great, interesting, engaging and brand specific content for photographers … and I can’t wait to share my knowledge with you!


I hope you enjoy this free webinar. It will be a great help, I’m sure!